This week @ Harvest | May 29, 2021

It is the final week of Autumn and Saturday promises to start out frosty but warm up during the morning. Join us for some entertainment and a chance to talk to Amnesty International volunteers and celebrate 60 years of this organisation being at the forefront of human rights campaigns around the world from rallying for political prisoners to advocating for vaccine justice around the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sixty years ago, British lawyer Peter Benson was outraged when two Portuguese students were jailed for raising a toast to freedom. From his article in the Observer newspaper, which was reprinted around the world, to an international organisation today that unites people everywhere in solidarity for justice and freedom.

The local Launceston chapter together with the Launceston College group will be at Harvest on Saturday to share the stories and learn how we can make a difference. Enjoy a piece of Amnesty’s birthday cake and listen to some music Ben McKinnon followed by Hamish Pike.

Stallholders at the Market this week:

41 Degrees South   
A Pinch of Tasmania 
All Things Cherry 
Brady’s Lookout Cider
Delicious Little Things
Elgaar FarmThe Grain Family 
Felds Farm
George Town Seafoods
Hazelbrae Hazelnuts
Hillwood Fresh Food Co
Honey Tas
Kabul Veggie Delights
Laos Fresh Farm 
Meander Pastured Eggs
Meat Bread Cheese
Metcalf Distilleries  
Modo Mio Naked
Mr B & T Mushroom Garden
Mt Gnomon Farm
One On The Slide
Paul’s Hot Sauce
Plants Direct
Provenance Coffee
Real Beef
Red Cow Organics 
Ritual Coffee 
Sandy’s Sourdough 
Seoul Food
Seven Sheds
Seven Springs Farm 
Southern Sky Cheese  
Steve’s Vegies  
Tas Daffodils
Tas Juice Press
TASGOldway Farm
Taste of Tam O’Shanter  
The Tea Equation
Thirlstane Gardens
Three Peaks Organics   
Wanderer Mead
West Tamar Fungi

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