Meet Hideh and Lydia, inspired by traditional Japanese food, with recipes handed down through the family and the punchy flavours of South East Asia.

Smallgrain is modern Asian street food with an emphasis on sustainability and local ingredients. Smallgrain is committed to reducing  the use of plastic in their food packaging. Our food offers a unique combination of healthy food with an Asian twist. We have come up with a fresh concept by serving soups and salads in glass jars to reuse..serve our rice paper rolls wrapped in paper, our grain bowls in sugarcane pulp containers (using bi product from sugar refining process), and our salads, soups etc in glass jars.

We plan on recycling/reusing the glass jars by setting up a glass return policy and offering a cash reward for returning them ($1 for the small jars and $2 for the larger jars) this is to offset costs whilst maintaining our goal.We respect and support local farmers and producers and are asking for community support and involvement to make this a reality.

Contact Smallgrain

email: [email protected]

phone: 0448 904 481
