- To encourage quality activities which contribute vibrancy and life to the Harvest market, the Launceston community and to allow opportunities for public performances for local and visiting performers.
- To provide an equitable system for buskers at the Harvest market.
- To minimise complaints, criticism and other problems associated with buskers performing at Harvest Market.
This policy shall apply to busking carried out on the Harvest Launceston market site. Authorised busking is permitted in approved busking areas under the conditions outlined in this policy. Harvest reserves the right to limit the number of approvals at any time.
1.1. Harvest recognises that buskers contribute to a sense of place; provide entertainment and enrich social and community activity.
1.2. Busking should not interfere with pedestrian traffic, the conduct of business, or contribute to a lack of safety.
2.1. Busker: An entertainer who provides performances for the public by playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing, clowning or juggling, or doing other acts of a similar nature in public places.
2.2. Performance: Musical, dramatic or other entertainment substantially involving musical, theatrical or circus performance skills.
2.3. Soliciting of funds: The act of asking, begging or requesting money or goods from members of the public.
2.4. Offering for sale: The display or demonstration of items, particularly multiples of items, with an implication that they are available for sale or otherwise in exchange for money at that time (for example, CDs or other merchandise).
2.5. Dangerous materials and implements: Materials and implements that pose a risk, hazard or uncertain outcomes for people. Dangerous materials include flammable materials and chemicals, fire, fireworks, smoke, flairs, heated elements or anything giving off a level of heat or toxicity that poses a threat of harm or damage to members of the public and public property. Dangerous implements include knives, spears, swords, spikes and sharp implements of any kind that pose a threat of harm to the general public.
2.6. Offensive acts: Any act by way of direct or implied sexual nature, lewd or offensive language or behaviour.
3.1. Harvest will assess a proposed busking activity based on the following criteria:
• Presentation and appearance of the performer/s
• Entertainment value and uniqueness of the performer/s
• Professionalism of the performer/s
• Quality of performance
3.2. For the purposes of registration, applicants will be required to present or provide the following items at the time of application:
• Consent from a parent, guardian or responsible adult (eg school teacher) for applicants under the age of 16 years.
• A completed online registration form
3.3. The following is not considered to be busking under the terms of this policy and as such permission to busk at Harvest will not be issued:
• tarot card and palm readers, fortune readers;
• artists selling their works (such as portrait artists);
• masseurs or masseuses;
• Any like act or activity.
4.1. Buskers must have prior approval to busk, from a representative of Harvest Launceston Community Farmers’ Market.
4.2. Buskers must perform between the hours of 8:20am-10:20am and 10:30am-12:30pm on Saturday but may take breaks from time to time during their set/s
4.3. Buskers must keep the site in use clean while they are working and ensure that their use of the site does not pose a threat to public safety.
4.4. Buskers may receive voluntary donations from the audience, may utilise a “paywave” donation option and may promote upcoming gigs or performances throughout their set/s.
4.5. Buskers using amplification must be conscious of nearby Harvest patrons and work with the Harvest Market Duty Manager to ensure noise levels are reasonable.
4.6. Buskers may not offer goods and services for sale, display, demonstrate or advertise goods for sale or associate themselves with such advertising in conjunction with their performance. The only article that may be displayed or advertised is CD/s consisting of the busker’s own work however these cannot be offered for sale whilst busking at Harvest.
4.7. Buskers must not interfere with pedestrian flow or cause obstruction to traders or delivery vehicles, including by way of encouraging audience formation in such a manner as to cause such interference.
4.8. Buskers may not use dangerous implements and materials.
4.9. Consumption or use of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted.
4.10. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn at all times.
4.11. The Harvest Market Duty Manager is authorised to revoke permission for a busker to perform at the market if they are causing public inconvenience, are likely to cause harm to the public or property, or are otherwise in breach of this Policy.
4.12. Offensives acts will not be tolerated and a written warning will be issued. Upon receiving a written warning, the busker’s permission to perform at the Harvest market may be revoked.
4.13. Buskers must also comply with directions issued by authorized officers of the TAS Police Force, Ambulance, Fire and any other emergency services.
4.14. By issuing approvals to buskers, Harvest Launceston does not assume any responsibility for any public liability claims made against buskers, nor does the issue of an approval imply that the busker is independently insured for public liability.